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Albacore Tuna
Origin: USA / Vietnam
Thunnus allunga
Catch : Wild-caught
Harvest Method : Handlines and Pole-and-Lines
Albacore Tuna

Albacore tuna has a mild flavour profile with firm flesh and large white flakes when cooked. Olivia Albacore Tuna are frozen at sea and individually vacuum packed. Best suited for grilling and searing applications. Available as loins and steaks in 2-4 and 4-6 oz sizes.
- Wild-Caught
- Raw
- Responsibly Sourced
- Main Entrée
- No Additives

Suggested Cooking
- BROIL: 4 mins per side
- PAN-FRY: 2 mins per side
Chef Tips
1-Do not overcook. Leave the center of the loin pink (raw center).
2-Take the tuna out of the fridge a few minutes before cooking, it will be warmer and taste better.